2023 Honoree - Steve Roe

Louis F. Schultz Distinguished Service Award

Steve Roe considers himself “a car dealer who wants to make a difference in the lives of others.”  Steve has lived in Grants Pass for forty years and is the general manager of Roe Motors, a Buick and GMC dealership.  Since earning the rank of Eagle Scout while growing up in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, Steve has been personally committed to community organizing and contribution.

His board service includes work with the Asante Health System board, Rogue Gateway Rotary, Friends of the Southern Oregon Hospice, Four Way Community Foundation, Mercy Flights, and Chamber of Commerce.  One of Steve’s major interests is promoting positive mental health, and he works with Hope, his registered therapy dog, at Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center behavioral health unit and pediatrics, Oregon Youth Authority, reading with children, and as a hospice volunteer.

Steve has an Automotive Marketing and Accounting degree from Northwood University and a Masters in Management degree from Southern Oregon University. He lives with his wife Kristi, a 1st grade teacher at Allen Dale Elementary, and Hope and Finn, their registered therapy dogs. His two daughters are grown with five grandchildren. Steve’s hobbies include traveling, visiting Diamond Lake, reading, computer technology and giving back to others.

Steve selected Asante Foundation to receive his award check of $10,000, for youth mental health services. He and his wife Kristi matched the gift.


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2022 Honoree - Brenda Patton